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Propriétaire d'un commerce de détail utilisant un ordinateur 1

Obtenez un CRM sans avoir à le construire !

Vous avez une entreprise à gérer et vous avez besoin d'un CRM prêt à l'emploi.

Un CRM no code prêt à être lancé et utilisé

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Réservez un rendez-vous sans pression pour parler de vos besoins

Confidence in a competitive market:

We equip you to shine and protect your most valuable asset - your reputation.


Expand your reach and revenue:

Our program empowers you to attract new clients and boost your bottom line.


Enhanced value for your clients:

CBM delivers superior solutions with Premier Care included, ensuring their satisfaction.


Dedicated Support
Access dedicated partnership success managers and training resources to help kick start your referrals.
Quarterly Reports
Quarterly reports are sent out along with meeting requests to review how we can improve your client's experience.
Aligned Payouts
Get paid for driving leads that become customers. Earn between $500-$5000 per customer and get paid for each lead stage.
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