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구축하지 않고도 CRM을 얻을 수 있습니다!

사업을 운영하고 있으며 즉시 사용할 수 있는 CRM이 필요합니다.

컴퓨터를 사용하는 소매업주 1

당신을 염두에 두고 디자인되었습니다

우리 CRM은 귀하를 염두에 두고 설계되었습니다. 우리는 그 반대가 아닌 귀하의 작업 흐름에 적응하는 기능을 갖춘 사용자 친화적인 플랫폼을 제공합니다. 고객 관계를 관리하고 비즈니스가 성공하는 것을 지켜보세요.

Go-CBM CRM 받은 편지함 대시보드 그림 1
화상회의 예약 사진 1
부담 없는 회의를 예약하여 귀하의 필요 사항에 대해 이야기하세요.

프리미엄 지원 포함

What makes a powerfule partnership?

Expand your reach and close more deals with targeted referrals from CBM. Our network includes established customer companies and promising prospects actively seeking solutions like yours. We'll connect you with these qualified leads and provide the support you need to convert them into paying customers.



Boost your lead generation and client satisfaction with CBM. We offer dedicated customer success managers for both you and your clients, along with free resources to optimize your marketing efforts. By partnering with CBM, you'll deliver exceptional value to your clients and achieve your goals for growing alternate revenue channels.

Dedicated Support


Let's team up for a powerful marketing campaign! We can achieve this through co-operative marketing or a shared marketing contract. Together, we'll drive brand awareness for both your company and ours by leveraging exclusive digital marketing initiatives, strategic referrals, and exciting event collaborations.

Co-Marketing Activities


Boost your business growth! Partner with CBM and unlock new revenue streams.

  • Expand your reach: We'll help you find new customers, while your existing customers receive top-notch service.

  • Earn high referral payouts: Get rewarded for every successful referral.

  • Focus on your core business: Let us handle the backend work, so you can focus on what you do best.

  • Increase market share: Leverage our capabilities to attract new clients and strengthen your position in the market.

Revenue with no Expenses


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