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In Produktion
Professional Services
B2B professional services including interim CFO, Accounting, and Bookkeeping
Financial Services
Financial services, banking, capital raising, and CRM
Oceans Bar und Grill
Einzelhandel - Menü und Reservierungen
Professional HR Services
B2B professional services including HR (human resources), California OSHA compliance, and certification online courses
SaaS Online Subscriptions
B2B SaaS CRM and ERP offers multiple types of subscriptions and RevOps monthly services
Gesundheitswesen - HIPAA-konforme Arzt-Patienten-Plattform
Product Manufacturer
Product and Services business providing product sales, leasing, and recurring subscriptions
Retail Location Business – Integration von physischem Service und Buchung
Med Website Hosting
Online-Verkäufe - Hosting für große Unternehmen und Unternehmen
Retail Location Business - Kombiniertes Dienstleistungs- und Einzelhandelsgeschäft
XP Home-Vorteile
Service Business - Dienstleistungsgeschäft kombiniert mit Online-Vertrieb
Capital Raise Website
This website supports capital raise efforts, corporate relations, boards, and investor groups.
Healthcare Professional Services
Streamline operations, enhance care, and improve patient satisfaction.
Healthcare Clinic
Clinic providing preventive care, ongoing primary care and emotional wellness services
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